Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Third Edition

The night before I ran the Salt Lake Half Marathon I found out we were expecting our third child!  This was a little bit of a surprise. My due date was December 18, 2010.  We were hoping for a February baby.  Kevin was not happy that this poor child would be having a December birthday, he thought that was a crappy deal for the child. But what could we do!  I was certain we were having a boy because I was so sick!  I actually had to go on anti-nausea medication.  I was a little sick with Dexton but nothing a few crackers couldn't fix and nothing bothered me with Ocianne.  So when they told us it was a girl you could have knocked me over with a feather! 

1 comment:

David and Liz Barham said...

My favorite moment from the day Gabi was born---Oci saying "Oh dex, isn't she the cutest"