Dexton's first day of Kindergarten

It sure is crazy how time rushes by. Sometimes I can't believe I am a mom and have been married for almost ten years now. It seems like yesterday when I started Kindergarten. As a mother you have mixed feelings about your children growing up. It is wonderful to watch them grow and change over the years, but it is sooo hard to let go. Let go of what some of you wonder, he's only in Kindergarten. I know I still have many wonderful years that await me with Dexton, but I guess that is what makes Kindergarten a little hard. It is the first step that makes you realize as a parent that your child really is gowning up! I must admit, I didn't shed a tear when I dropped him off at school his first day. It wasn't until I got home and read the sweet poem his teacher was handing out, to the parents as they dropped off their children, that I began to ball like a baby and wish I hadn't bothered to read it! Needless to say, Dexton hasn't seemed to miss me at all! Which, is wonderful! I am glad he loves school! Every time he see's his picture of his first day, he asks me, "Mom, am I scared or sad?" My response is, "I don't know, why don't you tell me!"